isp slowdown

ISP Slowdown & Blocking: 3 Important Uses of a VPN Service

Your VPN service isn’t all about encryption and hiding your IP address, it is also useful for a number of other important functions that will greatly increase your enjoyment of the internet. You may not be aware of this, but your ISP may be working against the internet that you’re paying them for!

Stay tuned until the end of this article to check out one of my favorite TV shows that a VPN helps me to connect to. Continue Reading

skype blocked

Is Your Skype Blocked: How it’s Done, and How to Get Past Skype Blocking

There are a number of countries which look to restrict the ability of their citizens to communicate, and censor the Internet. Is Skype blocked in your country? You must live in, or be vacationing in, any one of these countries which have blocked Skype in the past, or who are blocking Skype right now:
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vpn kill switch

What is an Internet or VPN Kill Switch?

Having a VPN connection on can protect you whenever you turn it on and log into your favorite websites and social media accounts. While they are a powerful piece of online security, they are not 100% foolproof – as nothing is!

A VPN kill switch is a piece of software that can help increase your online security as you use a VPN provider. This tool is particularly useful for those who use BitTorrent and other P2P systems as they step away from the computer for extended periods of time – one dropped connection can leave them exposed. Continue Reading

banned websites

Don’t Call Home: Google, Skype, YouTube are Banned Websites in Some Countries

If you’re an American, you’re used to having access to every website on the web.This is especially true for the biggest websites that you use every day, and that many people can’t imagine their day without. Read this article to discover what these tools are, who bans them, and how you can beat them at their own game! Continue Reading

Hulk hates blocked websites!

Unblock Websites in Brazil While at World Cup 2014

The World Cup is brining together people of all nations, creeds, religions, and ethnicities in Brazil right now. Many of these people are arriving in Brazil to find blocked websites. Can you unblock websites in Brazil while at the World Cup? Read on!

Unblock Websites in Brazil While at the World Cup 2014

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online security tool

Choose the Best Online Security Tool to Protect Your Data

Protecting yourself, and your valuable online data, is an essential in this increasingly hazardous online world. In this article I will look at 5 online security tools that you can use to protect yourself.

Five Online Security Tools to Protect Your Data

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online security policy

HeartBleed Changed Passwords: Change Your Online Security Policy

I changed all my passwords after Heartbleed hit. A couple times. A part of my personal online security policy is to use a password generation and storage app. I use LastPass as it keeps my passwords varied and strong. The majority of web users…not so much. The most common passwords are still:

  • password
  • qwerty
  • 123456
  • 11111
  • monkey
  • abc123
  • letmein

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privacy from big data

Pregnant Mother seeks Privacy from Big Data

A big reason why so many people love using a VPN is because it helps them stay anonymous online. This gives them privacy – a fundamental right of everyone on earth. Even the most barbarous of dictators wouldn’t openly admit to wanting to put a camera into the home of all their subjects.

Yet that is exactly what the governments and corporations of the world are doing with your online activities through various acts known collectively as Big Data. They’re tracking your online activities, taking this information from you, and selling it to marketers. Read that again: they’re using you. But a VPN can help you get privacy from Big Data. Continue Reading

mobile privacy byod

10 Essentials for Mobile Privacy

Your mobile phone is not anywhere near as secure as you think. Making sure it is secure is essential as you keep all kinds of important things on your smartphone, and tablets – not to mention those ‘for your eyes only’ photos!

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google spying

Google Spying: They are Watching You Online, Offline is Next

Google wants to know what you’re doing. All the time. Online, offline, maybe even in the shower…if there’s an ad agency that wants to know, they’ll try and find out. We talk about staying anonymous from the NSA and other spies, but what about those who we allow to spy on us?

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